Paddle the Big Voy

Voyageur Canoe Trips

Stay tuned for more information on festival events and programs for summer 2024.

Come join us for the amazing experience to experience paddling in a traditional 34ft Montreal Voyager Canoe! A great way to get out on the big lake and enjoy a part of our heritage. We welcome people from all walks of life from couples, children, work buddies, seniors and families we will all be moving cohesively using human power and its just awesome!

Rate Per Person
Trip Length
Max Group
*Need a minimum of 8 capable paddlers for the voyageur canoe to run

Paddle the Big Voy

We will travel the waterways of beautiful Lake Superior in our 34ft Montreal Canoe. Thunder Bay Harbour, Silver Islet and Rossport Ontario will be our main program sites but for custom groups we can go anywhere there is enough water! We will travel at a relaxed pace and according to the lake conditions. We will explore the nearby points of interest such as islands, lighthouses and old mining relics if lake conditions allow. You will get a taste of the life of the voyageurs as they traversed our water ways in these amazing boats.

Paddlers require the ability to sit for 1-1.5 hours without moving around. A moderate level of fitness is required for this excursion. Depending on numbers we could have 2-4 non paddlers join each excursion and sit in the middle seats but it is vitally important we have enough people who can paddle or this vessel simply will not move.

The canoe will be on location 30min before the start time. We NEED a minimum 8 people to run. Max 14 people per trip with two experienced canoe guides.

We will provide PFD/Lifejackets, paddles and safety equipment. Dress appropriately with layers and a rain jacket. We will have some extra dry bags if you need for your camera/phone etc.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Do you have a group of 8-14 people? Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
